Backyard Trivia: Pacific Northwest Edition

1: Questions


Assign one point value to each answer. Do this before the next question is read. Full rules and how to play here.

Categories: Sports, Rivers, Trees, Music, Beaches, Flowers

Point Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Q1 R1: Sports

Take the Washington State Ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge Island. Bainbridge Island is home to numerous shops, restaurants, and art galleries. But it is also the birthplace of Washington’s state sport. What sport was invented on Bainbridge Island in 1965?

HINT: It was named the state sport of Washington State in 2022.

Q2 R1: Rivers

Explore the river gorge that the US Forest Service describes as “a spectacular river canyon, 80 miles long and up to 4,000 feet deep.” It shares its name with the only country in South America that borders Panama. It’s the river between Oregon and the state of Washington.

Q3 R1: Trees

Visit the Duwamish Longhouse and Cultural Center, located along the Duwamish river, featuring traditional Coast Salish architecture and beams made from what kind of tree? This type of tree is also used to make art, boats, medicine and a variety of other things.

HINT: The oil of this tree repels moths, so it is a popular choice for making chests, closets, and anything else that stores clothing.

Q4 R1: Music

Catch a show at one of the region’s many iconic music venues. One such venue shares its name with a semiaquatic reptile, known as the one with a V-shaped snout. What is the name of the Seattle music venue that was ranked the seventh best club in the US by Rolling Stone in 2013?

HINT: When its mouth is closed, you can still see all of this reptile’s teeth.

Q5 R1: Beaches

Visit this boulder-studded beach on the Oregon coast and see the 235-foot Haystack Rock. The beach shares a name with a weapon whose earliest known depiction can be found amongst the Dazu Rock Carvings in Sichuan, China. What is the name of the beach / weapon of war?

HINT: The weapon uses gunpowder.

Q6 R1: Flowers

Stop and smell the tulips with over 1 million other visitors at the Skagit Valley Tulip festival, held each April. Of the following three Tulip varieties, which does Dutch grown dot com describe as having “incredibly strong stems, which means they can be planted anywhere in the garden.” The three tulip varieties to choose from are: Triumph, Darwin Hybrid, and Fringed.

1: Answers

A1 R1: Sports


A2 R1: Rivers


BYT BONUS (up to 4): Name the four other countries that border Columbia. You’ll get two points for each correct answer.

A3 R1: Trees


BYT BONUS (up to 6): Name any six of the top ten best trees of the PNW, according to ChatGPT. The exact prompt it was given, was “What are the top ten best trees of the PNW?”. You’ll get one point for each correct answer for a maximum of six possible points. You cannot lose points, but you may only list six things.

HINT: ChatGPT said, “These trees not only contribute to the region's ecology but also have cultural and economic significance.”

A4 R1: Music


A5 R1: Beaches


BYT BONUS (up to 6): Gunpowder is widely considered one of the Four Great Inventions of ancient China. Name the other three. You’ll get two points for each correct answer.

A6 R1: Flowers


1: Bonus Answers

BA2 R1 (up to 4): Name the four other countries that border Columbia. You’ll get one point for each correct answer.


BA3 R1 (up to 6): Name any six of the top ten best trees of the PNW, according to ChatGPT. The exact prompt it was given, was “What are the top ten best trees of the PNW?”. You’ll get one point for each correct answer for a maximum of six possible points. You cannot lose points, but you may only list six things.

Bigleaf Maple

Black Cottonwood

Douglas Fir

Oregon White Oak

Pacific Yew

Ponderosa Pine

Red Alder

Sitka Spruce

Western Hemlock

Western Red Cedar

BA5 R1 (up to 6): Gunpowder is widely considered one of the Four Great Inventions of ancient China. Name the other three. You’ll get one point for each correct answer. 


2: Questions


The answers to this round will somehow be related via a secret theme.

Categories: Cars, Ancient Monsters, American Military History, Music, Plants, Weather Events

Point Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Q1 R2: Cars

What Chevrolet subcompact crossover SUV produced by General Motors under the Chevrolet brand since 2020 is the smallest crossover from Chevrolet, slotting just below the Trax?

Q2 R2: Ancient Monsters

What monster was first described by Norwegian bishop Erik Pontoppidan? The root word can roughly be translated to mean “malformed or overgrown, crooked tree."

Q3 R2: American Military History

In 1947, Air Force Capt. Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager became the first person to fly an aircraft at what speed?

HINT: He was going roughly 768 miles per hour.

Q4 R2: Music

With over 1.5 billion views, what song is Pitball’s most watched music video on youtube?

Q5 R2: Plants

Of these three terms, thorns, spines, and prickles, which is defined in botanical terms as “deriving from shoots”?

Q6 R2: Weather Events

Also known as the Halloween Gale, this 1991 nor'easter absorbed Hurricane Grace, and ultimately evolved into a small unnamed hurricane itself. It became known as the perfect what?

HINT: The F/V Andrea Gail sank during this event. The story of its sinking was adapted into a book and later a movie starring George Clooney.

2: Answers

SECRET THEME: Professional PNW Sports Teams

Q1 R2: Cars


Q2 R2: Ancient Monsters


BYT BONUS (up to 6): Other than the Kraken, name any six of the 10 scariest movie sea monsters, according to the screen rant dot com article, “The 10 Scariest Movie Sea Monsters, Ranked.” You can write down either the movie or the monster. For example, you could have written “The Kraken” or “That sea monster from Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.”

Q3 R2: American Military History


BYT BONUS (up to 2): The speed of sound is 343 meters per second. In meters per second, what is the speed of light? If you are within 100 million m/s of the correct answer, you earn two points. If you are within 200 million, you earn one point. If you are off by more than that, you earn zero points.

Q4 R2: Music


BYT BONUS (3): With over 4 billion views, which Katy Perry song is her most viewed music video on youtube?

Q5 R2: Plants


Q6 R2: Weather Events


BYT BONUS (4): In the Southern Hemisphere, which direction do cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons rotate? Is it clockwise, or counter-clockwise?

2: Bonus Answers

BA2 R2 (up to 6): Other than the Kraken, name any six of the 10 scariest movie sea monsters, according to the screen rant dot com article, “The 10 Scariest Movie Sea Monsters, Ranked.” You can write down either the movie or the monster. For example, you could have written “The Kraken” or “That sea monster from Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.”

Asian Pacific Crocodile - Lake Placid (1999)

Bruce - Jaws (1975)

Cthulhu - Underwater (2020)

Clover - Cloverfield (2008)

Depladon - DeepStar Six (1989)

Genetically Altered Makos - Deep Blue Sea (1999)

Gill-Man - Creature From The Black Lagoon (1954)

Gwoemul - The Host (2006)

Octalus - Deep Rising (1998)

BA3 R2 (up to 2): The speed of sound is 343 meters per second. In meters per second, what is the speed of light? If you are within 100 million m/s of the correct answer, you earn two points. If you are within 200 million, you earn one point. If you are off by more than that, you earn zero points.

299 million m/s

BA4 R2 (3): With over 4 billion views, which Katy Perry song is her most viewed music video on youtube?


BA6 R2 (4): In the Southern Hemisphere, which direction do cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons rotate? Is it clockwise, or counter-clockwise?


3: Questions


For each question, you will be given two clues. The answers will combine to be something related to the music scene of the PNW.

Point Values: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


A hard, glistening object produced within the soft tissue of a living shelled mollusk.


A sweet food made from fruit and sugar boiled to a thick consistency, often eaten spread on bread.


Q1 R3

The name of the atoll where the United States government forcibly removed residents and conducted 23 nuclear tests.


A word that can mean a stream, creek, or tributary, especially in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

Q2 R3

Another word for a hoagie.


Another word for soda.

Q3 R3

The color of squirrel that employment recruiters can never find.


A word that describes poor visibility in the lower atmosphere, typically caused by fine particles suspended in the air.

Q4 R3

A thing surrounded by an event horizon.


The celestial body in our solar system with a surface gravity 28 times that of earth.

Q5 R3

Emma Bunton from the Spice Girls.


The name of Paul McCartney’s first tour after COVID.

Q6 R3

A term defined as a marine geographic formation, located along coastlines around the world, characterized as an inlet of seawater that diverts from the main ocean.


According to unique japan tours dot com, a thing that the Japanese version of “tries to reflect the natural landscape,” where as the western version of this thing “cares less about trying to look natural.”

3: Answers

Q1 R3


Q2 R3


Q3 R3


Q4 R3


Q5 R3


Q6 R3